BYBORRE® in the news

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Reset De grootste investeringen in startups in februari: Lightyear alweer in de top 5
De grootste investeringen in startups in februari: Lightyear alweer in de top 5 These Amsterdam-based startups raised funding in February 2023; 6 of them are hiring | Silicon Ca...
These Amsterdam-based startups raised funding in February 2023; 6 of them are hiring | Silicon Ca... O’Neill e BYBORRE insieme per una collezione in edizione limitata
O’Neill e BYBORRE insieme per una collezione in edizione limitata Dutch textile innovation company ByBorre raises € 16.9 million to accelerate growth in the intern...
Dutch textile innovation company ByBorre raises € 16.9 million to accelerate growth in the intern... O'Neill sceglie BYBORRE per una collezione all'insegna della sostenibilità
O'Neill sceglie BYBORRE per una collezione all'insegna della sostenibilità O'Neill and BYBORRE Present New Sustainably-Focused Collaboration
O'Neill and BYBORRE Present New Sustainably-Focused Collaboration Design e sustentabilidade ganham estética e textura em linhas Natuzzi Italia - Jornal Tribuna
Design e sustentabilidade ganham estética e textura em linhas Natuzzi Italia - Jornal Tribuna The Albino & Preto x BYBORRE® Collection Explores Textiles for Jiu-Jitsu
The Albino & Preto x BYBORRE® Collection Explores Textiles for Jiu-Jitsu “Het gebeurt niet vaak dat je een vliegwiel vindt, waarvoor geldt: hoe groter, hoe beter”
“Het gebeurt niet vaak dat je een vliegwiel vindt, waarvoor geldt: hoe groter, hoe beter” Dit is waarom Nederlandse impact-investeerders massaal inzetten op dit textielplatform | Change Inc.
Dit is waarom Nederlandse impact-investeerders massaal inzetten op dit textielplatform | Change Inc. BYBORRE获得1690万欧元B轮融资- DoNews快讯
BYBORRE获得1690万欧元B轮融资- DoNews快讯 Textielkoning haalt €16,9 miljoen op
Textielkoning haalt €16,9 miljoen op

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